Yum Complete Transaction

  1. Yum Complete Transaction Command
  2. Yum Complete Transaction Rhel 7
  1. 2)Reboot the workstation in the new kernel 3)Do a yum clean all, followed by a yum -y update. If there are any problems, yum should complain about unfinished transactions on step 3. In that case, you could also issue a yum-complete-transaction between steps 2 and 3.
  2. I was trying to update a server that I have with yum update and it aborted because the server ran out of memory. I killed off a few processes that were not needed and ran yum-complete-transaction but it seems as though that's stuck in a crazy loop.
  3. Yum-complete-transaction is a program which finds incomplete or aborted yum transactions on a system and attempts to complete them. It looks at the transaction-all. and transaction-done. files which can normally be found in /var/lib/yum if a yum transaction aborted in the middle of execution.


yum-utils - tools for manipulating repositories and extended package management

If there are more unfinished transactions, yum-complete-transaction attempts to complete the most recent one first. To clean transaction journal files without attempting to resume the aborted transactions, use the -cleanup-only option: yum-complete-transaction-cleanup-only. This morning I checked in the rest of the code for yum-complete-transactions. For people running yum versions 3.2.7 and above you can use it pretty much as-is. If you ever have a transaction abort in the middle b/c the power went out, rpm or yum fell over, your system locked up, your ssh connection died.

Yum Complete Transaction



yum-utils is a collection of tools and programs for managing yum repositories, installing debug packages, source packages, extended information fromrepositories and administration.


See respective tools for additional help for commands without a manual page

See Also

package-cleanup(1), repo-rss(1), repoquery(1), reposync(1), yum-builddep(1), yum-complete-transaction(8), yumdownloader(1)


Shawn Starr <shawn.starr@rogers.com>

Referenced By


While trying to run a yum update I received the below warning message:

Yum complete transaction rhel 7

Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
--> Running transaction check

To resolve this yum-complete-transaction is required to complete the unfinished transactions.

Yum Complete Transaction Command


yum-complete-transaction is a program which finds incomplete or aborted yum transactions on a system and attempts to complete them. It looks at the transaction-all* and transaction-done* files which can normally be found in /var/lib/yum if a yum transaction aborted in the middle of execution.

If it finds more than one unfinished transaction it will attempt to complete the most recent one first. You can run it more than once to clean up all unfinished transactions. Games that work with nimbus.

Run the following to install yum-utils (which provides yum-complete-transaction), cleanup and finish the transactions.

yum install yum-utils
yum clean all
/usr/sbin/yum-complete-transaction --cleanup-only

Now yum commands can be run without the unfinished transactions warning.

Yum Complete Transaction Rhel 7

yum update