The Alchemist Book

The Alchemist Book

  1. The Alchemist Book
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  3. The Alchemist Book Review
The alchemist book club questionsThe

Overall,”The Alchemist”is a very exciting fiction novel and it deserves a space at everyone’s bookshelf. Favorite quotes from the book “One’s Personal Legend(destiny) is what you have. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is the book which I always go back to. I have a different take away whenever I read it and it has helped me to become wiser with time. Basically it is a fable about following your dreams and is a story of a shepherd named Santiago who dares to follow his dream. Wow, this book has been a wonderful read. Autotune plugin studio one. The Alchemist has been on my to-read shelf for a while now. This book was indeed an inspiring and meaningful experience. The artwork is beautiful and the storyline is interesting. Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the soul of the world, and it will one day return there. At the start of his journey, when Santiago asks a gypsy woman to interpret his.

The boy's name was Santiago. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church. The roof had fallen in long ago, and an enormous sycamore had grown on the spot where the sacristy had once stood.
He decided to spend the night there. He saw to it that all the sheep entered through the ruined gate, and then laid some planks across it to prevent the flock from wandering away during the night. There were no wolves in the region, but once an animal had strayed during the night, and the boy had had to spend the entire next day searching for it.
He swept the floor with his jacket and lay down, using the book he had just finished reading as a pillow. He told himself that he would have to start reading thicker books: they lasted longer, and made more comfortable pillows.
It was still dark when he awoke, and, looking up, he could see the stars through the half-destroyed roof.
I wanted to sleep a little longer, he thought. He had had the same dream that night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.
He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken the sheep that still slept. He had noticed that, as soon as he awoke, most of his animals also began to stir. It was as if some mysterious energy bound his life to that of the sheep, with whom he had spent the past two years, leading them through the countryside in search of food and water. “They are so used to me that they know my schedule,” he muttered. Thinking about that for a moment, he realized that it could be the other way around: that it was he who had become accustomed to their schedule.
But there were certain of them who took a bit longer to awaken. The boy prodded them, one by one, with his crook, calling each by name. He had always believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said. So there were times when he read them parts of his books that had made an impression on him, or when he would tell them of the loneliness or the happiness of a shepherd in the fields. Sometimes he would comment to them on the things he had seen in the villages they passed.
But for the past few days he had spoken to them about only one thing: the girl, the daughter of a merchant who lived in the village they would reach in about four days. He had been to the village only once, the year before. The merchant was the proprietor of a dry goods shop, and he always demanded that the sheep be sheared in his presence, so that he would not be cheated. A friend had told the boy about the shop, and he had taken his sheep there.
“I need to sell some wool,” the boy told the merchant.
The shop was busy, and the man asked the shepherd to wait until the afternoon. So the boy sat on the steps of the shop and took a book from his bag.
“I didn't know shepherds knew how to read,” said a girl's voice behind him.
The girl was typical of the region of Andalusia, with flowing black hair, and eyes that vaguely recalled the Moorish conquerors.
“Well, usually I learn more from my sheep than from books,” he answered. During the two hours that they talked, she told him she was the merchant's daughter, and spoke of life in the village, where each day was like all the others. The shepherd told her of the Andalusian countryside, and related the news from the other towns where he had stopped. It was a pleasant change from talking to his sheep.
“How did you learn to read?” the girl asked at one point.
“Like everybody learns,” he said. “In school.”
“Well, if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?”
The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to her question. He was sure the girl would never understand. He went on telling stories about his travels, and her bright, Moorish eyes went wide with fear and surprise. As the time passed, the boy found himself wishing that the day would never end, that her father would stay busy and keep him waiting for three days. He recognized that he was feeling something he had never experienced before: the desire to live in one place forever. With the girl with the raven hair, his days would never be the same again.
But finally the merchant appeared, and asked the boy to shear four sheep. He paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the following year.
And now it was only four days before he would be back in that same village. He was excited, and at the same time uneasy: maybe the girl had already forgotten him. Lots of shepherds passed through, selling their wool.
“It doesn't matter,” he said to his sheep. “I know other girls in other places.”
But in his heart he knew that it did matter. And he knew that shepherds, like seamen and like traveling salesmen, always found a town where there was someone who could make them forget the joys of carefree wandering.
The day was dawning, and the shepherd urged his sheep in the direction of the sun. They never have to make any decisions, he thought. Maybe that's why they always stay close to me.
The only things that concerned the sheep were food and water. As long as the boy knew how to find the best pastures in Andalusia, they would be his friends. Yes, their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hours between sunrise and dusk; and they had never read a book in their young lives, and didn't understand when the boy told them about the sights of the cities. They were content with just food and water, and, in exchange, they generously gave of their wool, their company, and—once in a while—their meat.
If I became a monster today, and decided to kill them, one by one, they would become aware only after most of the flock had been slaughtered, thought the boy. They trust me, and they've forgotten how to rely on their own instincts, because I lead them to nourishment.
The boy was surprised at his thoughts. Maybe the church, with the sycamore growing from within, had been haunted. It had caused him to have the same dream for a second time, and it was causing him to feel anger toward his faithful companions. He drank a bit from the wine that remained from his dinner of the night before, and he gathered his jacket closer to his body. He knew that a few hours from now, with the sun at its zenith, the heat would be so great that he would not be able to lead his flock across the fields. It was the time of day when all of Spain slept during the summer. The heat lasted until nightfall, and all that time he had to carry his jacket. But when he thought to complain about the burden of its weight, he remembered that, because he had the jacket, he had withstood the cold of the dawn.
We have to be prepared for change, he thought, and he was grateful for the jacket's weight and warmth.
The jacket had a purpose, and so did the boy. His purpose in life was to travel, and, after two years of walking the Andalusian terrain, he knew all the cities of the region. He was planning, on this visit, to explain to the girl how it was that a simple shepherd knew how to read. That he had attended a seminary until he was sixteen. His parents had wanted him to become a priest, and thereby a source of pride for a simple farm family. They worked hard just to have food and water, like the sheep. He had studied Latin, Spanish, and theology. But ever since he had been a child, he had wanted to know the world, and this was much more important to him than knowing God and learning about man's sins. One afternoon, on a visit to his family, he had summoned up the courage to tell his father that he didn't want to become a priest. That he wanted to travel.
“People from all over the world have passed through this village, son,” said his father. “They come in search of new things, but when they leave they are basically the same people they were when they arrived. They climb the mountain to see the castle, and they wind up thinking that the past was better than what we have now. They have blond hair, or dark skin, but basically they're the same as the people who live right here.”
“But I'd like to see the castles in the towns where they live,” the boy explained.
“Those people, when they see our land, say that they would like to live here forever,” his father continued.
“Well, I'd like to see their land, and see how they live,” said his son.
“The people who come here have a lot of money to spend, so they can afford to travel,” his father said. “Amongst us, the only ones who travel are the shepherds.”
“Well, then I'll be a shepherd!”
His father said no more. The next day, he gave his son a pouch that held three ancient Spanish gold coins.
“I found these one day in the fields. I wanted them to be a part of your inheritance. But use them to buy your flock. Take to the fields, and someday you'll learn that our countryside is the best, and our women the most beautiful.”
And he gave the boy his blessing. The boy could see in his father's gaze a desire to be able, himself, to travel the world—a desire that was still alive, despite his father's having had to bury it, over dozens of years, under the burden of struggling for water to drink, food to eat, and the same place to sleep every night of his life.
The horizon was tinged with red, and suddenly the sun appeared. The boy thought back to that conversation with his father, and felt happy; he had already seen many castles and met many women (but none the equal of the one who awaited him several days hence). He owned a jacket, a book that he could trade for another, and a flock of sheep. But, most important, he was able every day to live out his dream. If he were to tire of the Andalusian fields, he could sell his sheep and go to sea. By the time he had had enough of the sea, he would already have known other cities, other women, and other chances to be happy. I couldn't have found God in the seminary, he thought, as he looked at the sunrise.

No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn’t know it.

The Alchemist, pg 163The Alchemist Book
warning: spoilers ahead. also a lot of honesty/negativity because this book was essentially garbage.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho was the first book I began and completed in 2021. And if I’m being completely honest, it was a disappointing book to start the year with.

The Alchemist is considered a cult classic and is beloved by many, which is why I picked it up. My husband read it and was planning to donate, but mentioned that it was a short book, easy read, and interesting story. All of that is true, and I managed to read the entire book within two days. However, most of the themes of this book were unsettling and, frankly, untruthful.

The general plot is that a boy named Santiago (although he is only referred to as “the boy” throughout the entire book) is happily living his life as a shepherd, able to travel the world, meet interesting people, read and trade his books, and enjoy the company of his sheep. However, he has a recurring dream, which a Gypsy interprets for him, and then meets a wise old king who tells him about signs, omens, and “Personal Legends.” Santiago decides to abandon everything to pursue the treasure that was promised him in the dream, and thus pursue his “Personal Legend.” Along the way he meets interesting people, learns to communicate with the desert, wind, sun, his own heart, and the “Soul of the Earth,” and ends up with a really cliche, your-treasure-was-there-the-whole-time conclusion. Adoble lightroom.

This book is a strange conglomeration of Christian and Islamic principles, as well as pantheism, mysticism, and New Age practices. Supposedly, when you are pursuing your Personal Legend, the whole universe conspires to help you. There are Urim and Thummim stones that are supposed to help the boy make decisions (even though he only actually uses them twice) and lots of references to both God and Allah. Plenty of other spiritual-type mantras and proverbs are included, some even directly from the Bible. But it all feels strangely pieced together and forced.

The Alchemist Book

“That’s why alchemy exists,” the boy said. “So that everyone will search for his treasure, find it, and then want to be better than he was in his former life. Lead will pay its role until the world has no further need for lead; and then lead will have to turn itself into gold.
“That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”

pg 155

I had hoped that at least the story, the quest, would be intriguing, but it really wasn’t because it was centered around personal revelation and communicating with the “Soul of the World,” which we find out close to the end is also the “Soul of God,” which supposedly lives inside the boy and gives him the ability to perform miracles. Yech.

The Alchemist Book Cover

And to top it off, women are not portrayed in a constructive way. “Personal Legends” evidently only apply to men, and the handful of women in the story exist only to push the boy toward his or other men’s “Personal Legend.”

The message of the book if not a great one. To summarize a review of this book from a reader on Goodreads: If you don’t recognize your “Personal Legend,” you’ll be unhappy. If you don’t ever realize it, you’ll stay afraid. If you refuse to pursue it, even if you know what it is, you’ll be both unhappy and afraid. Only once you recognize, realize, and succeed will you be happy. Gm navigation disc 2012. And luckily, the universe exists to help us achieve it. *eye roll*

Sadly, I don’t have much good to say about this story. It is predictable and the writing style is almost too simple. The focus on religion, omens, and self was enough to make me scrunch up my face the entire time I was reading it. It is a mercifully short book, if you are still interested in checking it out; and the ending – though cliche – was enough to make me go, “Ok, I guess that makes sense.”

The Alchemist Book Review

Overall, I do not recommend this book. I read several articles and many opinions on it to try to figure out why so many people enjoy it. I still don’t know, but I’m glad I can say I read it and will never read it again!