Willcox And Gibbs Serial Numbers

Willcox & Gibbs

  1. Willcox And Gibbs Serial Numbers
  2. Willcox And Gibbs Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
  3. Willcox And Gibbs Serial Number Location
  4. Willcox And Gibbs Sewing Machine Serial Numbers
  1. Willcox and Gibbs: Serial No. The Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine Company was founded in 1857 by James E. Gibbs and James Willcox and opened its London Office in 1859 at 135 Regent Street. By 1871 the Company's Chief Office for Europe was at.
  2. Additional patents were also granted to James Willcox for a leg and treadle design and to Charles Willcox for mechanical improvements. It has not been possible to secure information on records of serial numbers from the late 1870s through the 1920s to aid in dating machines of that period.

The Willcox & Gibbs chain stitch machines are one of the most collected sewing machines of all time. Some say the sewing machine represents the finest piece of '19th Century' precision engineering in the world. This is hard to argue with, seeing that so many are still working on a daily basis 150 years later.

Filed in February 24 (1906), the WILLCOX & GIBBS S.M. CO covers SEWING-MACHINES AND SEWING-MACHINE PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS WILLCOX & GIBBS S.M. CO Trademark - Registration Number 0052926 - Serial Number 71017320:: Justia Trademarks.

Let me tell you what I have learnt over the last four decades about this amazing machine and the men who built it. Oiling points, parts names, needles, models, and Willcox & Gibbs serial numbers are all included.


The book is now available on Amazon all around the world as in instant download ON ANY portable device with the free Kindle reading App. Also as a paperback. GO TO YOUR LOCAL AMAZON TO ORDER.


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Hi Alex,
I read your article on the W&G company with interest. My great, great grandfather was William Wonnacott, President of the Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing machine company. William was English and based in London. I know very little of his life story but I am aware from the gold pens that he was awarded that he worked for the company for an amazing 82 years! It’s not quite a world record unfortunately.
Many thanks,

Hi Alex , my name is Joanne

I have been browsing your fabulous guide on the Wilcox and Gibbs chainstitch sewing machine. I bought mine for 100 pounds. It sews fabulous and going from your diagrams I was able to thread it and sew first time. I did the dating off your guide and my machine is dated 1883. It has been invaluable and think it's fabulous I really do.
Joanne Oldham England

Mr. Askaroff,
I just read your superbly researched article on the Willcox & Gibbs sewing machines.
I have just started my second history blog, Rockbridge Memory, in which I will publish articles about people and events in that region that interest me.
All the best,
Patrick Sullivan

Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is brought to you by Alex Askaroff.


I was very impressed with the information you have assembled on the Willcox & Gibbs. Thank you.


I recall the use of chain stitch sewing machines used at State Farm Insurance (here in Monroe, La) to sew new pages to existing client folder pages. When needed, the page was removed by clipping the “unravel” end of the chain stitch and zipping it out. When pages were added to the folder, they were simply stitched back. The real advantage was no staples and staple clutter.
I recall seeing this being done in the 1963-63 era.
Warmest regards,
David Furr

Hi Alex,
I’ve really enjoyed reading your book about Willcox & Gibbs. I share your obvious passion for the industry. I’ve been in the business since I was an early teen when my father worked for Sunbrand (a Division of Willcox & Gibbs) in the sewing machine business. So the W&G symbol will always shine a bright light in my warehouse and offices where me and 4 of my 5 brothers and sisters are still pounding out machines, parts & supplies for the U.S. apparel industry every day.
I have recently heard that a German fellow bought the Willcox & Gibbs name. Gird Lesmeister, (spelling maybe out) owns Pfaff USA.

Best Regards,
Randy Collier
Collier Equipment Co.

I have a W&G machine I live near Raphine in Rockbridge Co and had no idea Mr. Gibbs was from here. We are steeped in the Civil War in these parts. On September 11 there is going to be a re-enactment and the troops will be marching from this area to Lexington. Our little Brownsburg Museum has a terrific exhibit on the war in Rockbridge.
Thank you so much for your great research on Gibbs.
Jeanne Alexander

Hi Alex,
Henry Sharpe, the retired director of Brown & Sharpe, has hired me to write a book about his family’s former company. In researching the early days of the company I came across your work. What a story Gibbs is!
Thanks for putting that together. Take care,
Gerald “Ged” Carbone

See Alex Askaroff on Youtube

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International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society

Willcox And Gibbs Serial Numbers

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The following revised rationale of Willcox & Gibbs serial numbers, painstakingly researched by Bill Grewe, initiated this revealing correspondence between the author and ISMACS’ Graham Forsdyke...

When Willcox & Gibbs began their partnership, keeping records of their sewing machine production dates, and serial numbers was not a top priority. They were focused on making sewing machines. According to Grace Rogers Cooper’s book “The Sewing Machine: It’s Invention and Development”, page 40, “After taking out two minor patents (on December 16, 1856, and January 20, 1857), Gibbs obtained his important one, U.S. patent No. 17,427 on June 2, 1857.” It is from this date that we can trace the birth of the cute machines that we have come to know and love.

While we may never know the actual production numbers of W&G earliest sewing machines, with a few mathematical calculations and reasonable assumptions we can come up with a much improved early serial number dating guide. The mathematical calculations will all be based on data presented in Cooper’s book. The reasonable assumption is that a start-up sewing machine company’s production will be done at a linear (gradual slope) pace and will have some correlation to the production (and sales) of other sewing machine companies at that time. Said another way, it takes time to ramp up production and it would be unreasonable to have a brand new sewing machine company immediately outproduce well established companies.

The early Willcox & Gibbs dating guide that we have right now comes from Cooper’s book, page 123:

1857-1866 – 10,000 per year
1867-1870 – 14,999 per year

This distribution of production is a simple accommodation. Consider The Combination production numbers that Cooper’s book reports on page 40 for established companies in 1857:

Wheeler & Wilson 4,591
Singer 3,630
Grover & Baker 3,680
AB Howe 133
Leavitt 195
Ladd & Webster 453
Bartholf 31

It is unreasonable to assume that in the last 6 months of 1857 that a start-up sewing machine company would out-produce an established maker – much less produce 10,000 machines. So clearly there is room for improvement on Cooper’s dating guide.

Willcox And Gibbs Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

A generous start-up production number for W&G in 1857 would be 100 – more than Bartholf and just under Howe – both established companies. In 1858 another healthy production figure would be 900 – making W&G the 4th largest sewing machine maker at the time – a rapid rise indeed. 1859 would prove to be a boom year as all companies had production increases of 2 or 3 times the previous year – so we will increase W&G production to a level of 3,000 machines. And we will double that again in 1860 to a level of 6,000. In 1861, at the start of the Civil War, this rapid sewing machine expansion was halted, but overall production increases for Wheeler & Wilson and Singer continued throughout the war years – see Cooper’s chart on page 40 – so we can assume that W&G continued to make gradual production increases.


On the other end of Cooper’s W&G production numbers there is also room for improvement of the 14,999 per year allocated from 1867-1870. The accuracy of these numbers can be improved simply by using Cooper’s chart on page 40 which shows the number of sewing machines licensed to The Combination for W&G:

1867 – 14,152
1868 – 15,000
1869 – 17,201
1870 – 28,890

It is curious why Cooper didn’t do this originally since she used the W&G numbers reported to The Combination in that same chart for the years 1871-1876.

Another mathematical adjustment of Cooper’s W&G numbers starts with the overall production number (1857–1876) of 279637 – the last serial number. If we add up all the W&G numbers reported to the Combination numbers from 1867- 1876 we get 195,880. Subtracting 195,880 from the overall production of 279,637 leaves us 83,757 worth of production to spread amongst the years 1857–1866. This is fewer than the 100,000 total (10K per year) that Cooper allocated.

With the above mathematical adjustments and the reasonable assumption of a gradual start-up and linear growth in concert with other top sewing machine makers, here is the new and improved W&G serial number dating chart:

YearProduction EstimateSerial Numbers

PRODUCTION NUMBERS from The Combination Report (Cooper, page 40)

The biggest change is in the years 1857-1860 where Cooper allocated 40,000 machines and the new allocation is for 10,000. After that the allocations gradually get closer together until they match The Combination report starting in 1871. This matches my personal observation of early W&G serial numbers being dated according to Cooper’s chart and frequently showing a production date earlier than the patent dates on the machine. Bill Grewe ([email protected])

Willcox And Gibbs Serial Number Location

From Graham Forsdyke

Thanks Bill. A very well thought out and argued paper. Let me devil’s advocate one point: the number of machines made in the early years and the linear growth theory.

You compare the low initial sales of other companies (Singer, W&W) to the relatively high figure attributed to W&G,. I think theres a good reason for this which might explain and support 10,000 units in the first year.

Most companies were limited by production capabilities. I have letters from James Bolton, designer of the Singer 12 and their Chicago branch manager dated early 1860s, begging for more machines.

And speaking of lost sales due to promises continually being broken... Singer and W&W virtually hand made its machines in the early years with final fitting done on the assembly bench. They were simply not able to keep up with demand.

W&G went a totally different route. Instead of trying to produce their machines in house, they employed Browne and Sharp, the premier American precision tool maker to make the production machinery to a level where there was complete interchangeability of parts.

It took two years to complete the work before production started and parts could have been stockpiled during this time.

Thus with a machine that could be assembled in a matter of minutes, W&G would have hit the ground running. Given this, and the fortune spent on advertising, 200 machines a week might not be an unreasonable total.

I have paperwork from W&G giving production figures with serial numbers. I’m a little skeptical about it as we are talking round numbers every year. However, this could simply reflect the ordering from Browne and Sharpe. The numbers are pretty close to your figures for most years......

Willcox And Gibbs Sewing Machine Serial Numbers

Which begat from Bill...

I grant that the W&G chainstitcher was much easier/quicker/cheaper to make than the other companies machines. And it is conceivable, although unlikely, that they had Browne and Sharpe, raw materials, parts, agents, and stores all lined up to assume 10,000 unit production and sales once the key patent was awarded in June 1857. But that doesn’t mesh with what we do know: 1. W&G numbers were not in the report to The Combination until later years. If they had quickly jumped to the #1 maker of sewing machines in the US, I’m sure that Mr. Howe’s lawyers would have taken notice.

2. No other sewing machine company was able to enter the market at such speed. 3. A start-up of anywhere near 10,000 per year does not conform with the production and sales growth of the later years.

Willcox and gibbs sewing machine serial number lookup

Said another way, if the chainstitcher was so easy/cheap to make and sell, then an initial production start of 10,000 should have been followed with a growth to 20,000 in 1858, and then 40,000 per year in 1859 - the growth rate of the other companies. If the demand couldn’t be meet by Singer then W&G would have reason to greatly increase production - but that increased rate is only evident if they started in the early years with a very modest production.

Graham replies...

Good points, Bill, Worth bearing in mind that the patent grant could have been well after production had started -- the patent model is a production machine, not a one-off designed for the job....

One thing that’s always bugged me about The Combination’s production numbers. If we accept these, one would expect surviving machines to be in roughly the same ratio..... e.g., one Ladd and Webster for 10 W&Ws. Or one Bartholf for every 100 Grovers -- clearly not so......

Figures can be a lot of fun.

Bill again...

I haven’t looked at those ratios/numbers, but I would not be surprised to find fewer of the less successful company machines remaining. I would think that if you had a successful, and therefore surviving sewing machine model, then customers would hold onto your machines at a greater rate because it works, you can get parts, you can contact the company agent, etc. Conversely, a short-lived company indicates an inferior sewing machine, less company support, no replacement parts -- and eventually the customer will scrap their machine -- or trade it in to the traveling salesman for a different sewing machine -- and then he will sell it for scrap.

And finally, from Graham...

To which there’s a counter argument that, perhaps, has some validity.

When I find a super rare early machine it’s often in great condition. It suggests that it performed badly and was swiftly relegated to the attic or cellar, Better machines got used, worn out, scrapped and replaced...

We could go on forever..... (GF & BG)

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